Thursday, November 09, 2006

Random Notes (11/8)

Today I was "judging" some speaking tests (or whatever you call it) at the middle school when this one guy busts out that his favorite band is Bon Jovi, and he also likes Green Day and Red Hot Chili Peppers. Unfortunately he didn't know enough English to have learned any of the song titles, but did let me know that he likes them because "They are full of energy". I thought the whole event was so awesome that I even wrote a note on his gradesheet ("Bon Jovi rocks!").

Oh and luckily I don't actually have strep. At this point in the last strep infection my throat felt like it had been sliced open every time I swallowed, but now the only symptoms I have are congestion, irritated eyes, a little coughing, etc. Regardless, I'm hoping I can shake it off before the next elementary visit, because I felt pretty horrible running around all day Monday praying for the next water break.


Linda said...

Motherly advise- don't ignore a strep throat unless you want to possibly get heart/kidney damage. If a sore throat is really bad. displays white dots, fever please see a doctor. Hey Japan is an industrialized country and they have perfectly good medications.
Love Mom
How was that for my first blog comment?

keith said...

your comment was nerdy

keith said...

go cowboys. romo romo romo

Unknown said...
