Thursday, November 09, 2006

Random Notes (11/6)

I'm pretty sure I have strep throat for the second time in 6 months. I haven't gotten a change to look at my throat with a flashlight, but I can see the same blister-looking things on the back of my tongue. I'm hoping that one of the following is true:
1. It's strep throat and somehow my body fights it off more quickly since I just had it a few months back
2. It's not strep throat but also not the AIDS
3. I just have some kind of permanent scarring from the last bout with strep

I'm thinking of taking some flash photos with my camera and seeing if I can see any white blobs in my throat.

It really sucks since I'm not going to have many consecutive days off/days at the Board of Education for a while, and that combined with the fact that I really don't have any desire to try out antibiotics in this country, means I'll probably have this for a while.

Also I got reminded of the "old teacher / playing cards" incident today: In a 3rd grade elementary class I busted out my cards, and one of the kids said "Teacher look! Cards!" and instead of flipping out, she goes "Ooh, that's nice huh?" and then returned to her business while we started a game of Go Fish. Yet another reason to like elementary.

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